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What You Need to Know About Scalding Burns

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Scalding burns in children are a serious concern. They can occur in an instant, yet their impact can last a lifetime.

These burns are often caused by hot liquids or steam. They can happen anywhere but are most common at home.

Understanding the risks and prevention methods is crucial. It can help reduce the incidence of these painful injuries.

This article provides valuable information on scalding burns, including their causes, prevention, and first aid treatment.

Whether you’re a parent, guardian, or caregiver, this guide is for you. It’s designed to help you ensure the safety of the children in your care.

Understanding Scalding Burns

Scalding burns are a type of thermal burn. They’re caused by hot liquids or steam.

Unlike contact burns, which result from touching hot surfaces, scalds are often deeper. This is due to the ability of the liquid or steam to cover a larger area and penetrate more layers of skin.

Children’s skin is thinner than adults’, making them more susceptible to severe burns, even from brief contact with hot substances.

Understanding the nature of scalding burns is the first step in prevention. It’s crucial to be aware of the potential dangers in your child’s environment.

Common Causes of Burns in Children

Scalding burns are a common type of pediatric burn. They account for a significant portion of burn-related injuries in children.

Certain age groups are more at risk. Toddlers and young children are particularly vulnerable due to their curiosity and lack of awareness about the dangers of hot liquids and steam.

Risk factors for scalding burns in children include:

  • Lack of supervision
  • Access to hot liquids and surfaces
  • Incorrect water heater settings

Understanding these risk factors can help implement effective prevention strategies.

Many times a scalding injury occurs when a hot water heater is turned up too high, and often this occurs in young children. His scalding burn can be an accident or even intentional, as in cases of child abuse.

Many children are put in a bath that is much too hot for them, and the results can be catastrophic. A landlord or other owner can be responsible for the water heater’s maximum temperature.

Certainly, no child should be put into a hot bath or water without an adult testing the temperature to ensure it is okay.

Every year, over a hundred thousand people are treated in emergency rooms because of scalding. Many are hospitalized, and about 80% of the serious hot-water burns are either children, the elderly, or those physically or mentally impaired.

Many people turn their hot water heaters up high because of the lack of hot water availability. This can be a tremendous mistake when the cold water is not balanced out and leads to a serious burn injury on the part of a child.

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First Aid for Scalding Burns

If a child suffers a scalding burn, immediate first aid is crucial. Start by cooling the burn with cool running water.

Do this for at least 10 minutes. Avoid using ice or very cold water as it can cause further damage.

Next, cover the burn with a clean, non-stick bandage or cloth. This helps protect the burn from infection.

Here are some additional first-aid steps:

  • Do not pop any blisters that form
  • Avoid applying creams or ointments
  • Keep the child calm and reassured
  • Seek medical attention if needed

When to Seek Medical Attention

Not all scalding burns require a trip to the hospital. However, it’s important to know when to seek medical help.

If the burn is larger than the size of the child’s palm, it’s best to get medical attention. Also, if the burn is on the face, hands, feet, or genitals, seek help.

Burns that cause blisters or seem deep should also be seen by a doctor. Lastly, if the child is in severe pain or seems very upset, it’s time to seek medical help.

Long-Term Care and Recovery

Recovering from a scalding burn can take time. It’s not just about healing the skin. There’s also the emotional recovery to consider.

For severe burns, physical therapy might be needed. This helps to keep the skin flexible and prevent stiffness.

Nutrition also plays a key role in recovery. A diet rich in protein can help the skin heal faster.

Lastly, emotional support is crucial. Burns can be traumatic for children. Providing a safe and supportive environment can help them cope.

Burns Can Happen Quickly

Scalding burnIt is shocking how quickly someone can get burned with hot water. The severity of the burn depends upon how long the skin is in contact with the hot water and the water temperature.

Hot water heaters for home use are recommended to be set at 120°F and no hotter. At 140°F, a serious burn can occur in five seconds.

Other sources of burn injuries can be children playing or attempting to help in the kitchen when food is cooking on the stove. Hot water or hot grease spilled on a child can be life-threatening. Keep pots and containers with hot liquid out of reach of children at all times. Burns can also happen at daycare centers, and if your child is injured at a daycare, call an attorney ASAP.

Always have an experienced caretaker looking after your children, and test the water before putting a young child in the bathwater.

Some Child Burn Statistics:

  • 250,000 children seek medical attention each year from burns.
  • Over 15,000 children are hospitalized each year for burn injuries
  • Over 1000 children die from burns each year
  • 5000 children are injured each year by hot water
  • 60,000 children are burned each year by coming into contact with hot objects such as ovens, hair curlers, or irons.

If your child has suffered serious burns under the negligence of another, call the burn injury lawyers at the Baumgartner law firm for a free consultation.

Get an Experienced Lawyer from Baumgartner Law Firm for Help

Our personal injury attorneys have won numerous burn injury cases. Some involve burns and child injury, and others involve defective products.

Baumgartner Law Firm

6711 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Houston, TX, 77069

(281) 587-1111

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