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Laws and Rights

Speed limits in Texas

Speed Limits in Texas Explained

Section 545.351 of the Texas Transportation Code is critical for every Texas driver to understand. This law details the requirements for controlling speed to ensure road safety. In this article, Houston personal injury attorney Greg Baumgartner breaks down the ...

November 17, 2024 by Greg Baumgartner
car accident law firm in Houston

What if I am Partly Responsible for an Accident?

A reportable accident happens about once a minute in Texas, according to the Texas Department of Transportation, (TxDOT). While most accidents are minor, many crashes result in severe injuries and fatalities. The other driver is responsible for damages if you ...

May 29, 2024 by Greg Baumgartner
Right-of-Way Laws in Texas

Right-of-Way Laws in Texas

In Texas, right-of-way laws determine who has the legal right to proceed first in various traffic situations. Whether you’re a driver, a pedestrian, or navigating a parking lot, understanding the right-of-way can prevent accidents and legal complications. In this ...

June 16, 2023 by Greg Baumgartner
Texas car laws

Car Accident Laws in Texas

Car accidents can be devastating, causing physical injuries, property damage, and emotional trauma. Understanding the car accident laws in Texas is vital for anyone involved in a motor vehicle collision. Texas follows a fault-based system, meaning the person responsible for the accident is ...

May 29, 2023 by Greg Baumgartner
The Statute of Limitations in Texas

How Long Do I Have to File a Car Accident Claim in Houston, TX?

If you’ve been the unfortunate victim of a car accident that wasn’t your fault, it’s important to fully understand any restrictions on bringing a claim or lawsuit. This guide details how long you have to file a car accident ...

January 10, 2023 by Greg Baumgartner
Auto accident trial

Police Report Hearsay-Admissibility of Police Officer Opinions in a Crash Report

If you have been injured in a car accident and the police issued a report, you may wonder if you can use that report in a lawsuit. Questions often arise about the admissibility of officer opinions in the crash ...

April 6, 2022 by Greg Baumgartner
worker's comp or personal injury?

On the Job Injury in Texas-is it Worker’s Comp or a Personal Injury Case?

Texas Personal Injury or Worker’s Compensation Claim? This is a question that comes up frequently in our Houston personal injury law practice. Someone is injured on the job and wonders about the appropriate procedure to obtain necessary compensation for ...

February 22, 2022 by Greg Baumgartner
Texas mitigation of damages defense

Mitigation of Damages in Texas Personal Injury Cases

What are Mitigating Damages? Mitigating damages means minimizing your damages, a concept the law recognizes in certain circumstances. For personal injury victims, it means doing things to keep things from getting worse, including receiving necessary medical treatment before your ...

November 19, 2021 by Greg Baumgartner
Texas injury claims for minors

Texas Procedures for Injury Settlements that Involve Minors

There is nothing more difficult for a parent than dealing with an injury to their child. All of us with children probably went to the emergency room when an unfortunate accident occurred and know the helpless feeling of your ...

May 6, 2021 by Greg
What yielding the right of way means

What Yielding the Right of Way Means

For many drivers, the idea of the right-of-way can simply be a reference to the requirement that one needs to obey all traffic laws, including those at a controlled intersection. What yielding the right of way at a traffic ...

January 22, 2021 by Greg Baumgartner
Relevance of personal injury evidence in Texas

Relevance of Evidence in a Personal Injury Case in Texas

Each state provides its own rules of evidence, and relevancy is one of the most important rules of evidence in Texas and the nation. As a 35-year veteran Texas personal injury lawyer, I know the relevancy rules play a ...

May 9, 2020 by Greg Baumgartner
Texas Crash Report Form

How an Accident Ticket Impacts an Auto Injury Case

In Houston, Texas, the odds of being in an injury accident while driving are more significant than not. Understanding how an accident ticket impacts an auto injury case could be crucial. If you were also involved in a car ...

March 20, 2020 by Greg
Do I have to wear a seatbelt?

Do I Have to Wear a Seat Belt in Texas?

Every year, thousands of people are killed or injured in motor vehicle accidents in the United States. Do I have to wear a seat belt? The answer is yes, and for a good reason. The number of fatalities and ...

February 24, 2020 by Greg Baumgartner
Traffic Tickets and Car Wrecks

How a Traffic Ticket Affects a Personal Injury Case

Traffic tickets can affect personal injury cases sometimes. If you have been in a car crash and are ticketed for something relating to the cause of the crash, how you plead can impact a case. If you plead guilty ...

January 20, 2020 by Greg Baumgartner
Move over slow down law

What is the Move Over/Slow Down Law in Texas?

Everyone has seen cars disabled on the side of the road or have been pulled over by the police. Every year, dozens of police officers or first responders across the country are hurt or killed by another driver when ...

November 8, 2019 by Greg Baumgartner
at amusement park

What Should I do After an Amusement Park Accident?

When you visit the amusement park or carnival with your family, you expect to have an enjoyable time. There are plenty of things to do, and rides are among the most popular attractions. Unfortunately, sometimes a ride malfunctions and ...

June 12, 2019 by Greg
personal injury lawyer

What You Need to Know About Pre-Injury Waivers of Children’s Claims in Texas!

Child Waivers Widely Used in Texas Entertainment centers, bounce houses, and waterparks for children have become extremely popular for birthday parties and group gatherings. Typically, the facilities will have numerous activities for the children that involve physical activity, such ...

May 23, 2016 by Greg Baumgartner
Destruction of evidence in Texas

What You Need To Know About Spoliation of Evidence in Texas

What is Spoliation of Evidence? Spoliation of evidence is the destruction or failure to preserve evidence in one’s possession when the actor knew or should have known that a claim would be filed and the evidence material. While many ...

November 20, 2015 by Greg
What Happens When There Are Multiple Defendants in a Personal Injury Case?

What Happens When There Are Multiple Defendants in a Personal Injury Case?

If there are multiple defendants in a personal injury lawsuit in Texas, the court handles the case by determining the outcome, which is not as clear as two-party lawsuits. Generally, a jury or a judge is asked to allocate fault ...

October 16, 2014 by Greg Baumgartner
Texas seat belt laws

Texas Seat Belt Laws

Texas laws regarding seat belt use are contained in Transportation Code Chapter 545. There are fines and penalties for failing to use seat belts and separate provisions dealing with the transportation of minors. Houston personal injury lawyers know that ...

July 10, 2014 by Greg Baumgartner


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