Accidents happen in an instant. Immediately following an auto accident, you may be hurt, and you may also be shaken up. You might be under a lot of stress, especially if the collision was severe. The police will respond and will ask you if you need medical attention. Sometimes, the paramedics will arrive on the scene and perform a preliminary check. Medical personnel are looking for serious injuries that would require immediate transport to the hospital. You should be aware of how delay in medical care hurts your car accident case. What should you do if you do not immediately feel injured?
Although you may not go to the hospital by ambulance from the scene, seek medical attention sooner rather than later. The longer you wait to get medical care, the more difficult it will become to prove that your injuries occurred because of the accident. Many people report feeling fine right after a crash, only to realize later that they are injured.
You may not feel pain right after an accident. This delay is called the “fight or flight” response of the human body. The body produces adrenalin, a high level of endorphins that can alter or suppress both emotional and physical trauma. Some people only feel pain after the accident is over and their body is back to normal. You may not know whether you have sustained an injury immediately following an accident and if it is severe enough to warrant medical care.
The general rule of thumb is to get medical treatment when you can and no later than 72 hours after the accident. It is better to see the doctor on the same day as the accident. You may struggle with whether your injury is bad enough for a doctor’s care. Whether you go to an emergency room or urgent care, getting checked out by a doctor is vital to a personal injury case.
Visit the doctor even if you do not immediately think your injury is serious. Some injuries, such as head trauma, will worsen if you do not get proper diagnosis and treatment. If you hit your head or if you were knocked unconscious, you should always go to the doctor within just a few minutes of the accident.
You can seek the care of any qualified doctor, but explain that the reason for your visit was your involvement in a vehicle accident. This information will be noted on the medical records and prove you sought medical care for your accident-related injury. You can see a PCP, a specialist, or a chiropractor or visit the emergency room. Remember that this is just the first step in your medical treatment. You must continue to follow through on the medical care you obtain. Keep records of your doctor or hospital visits, medical services, and medication bills.
There are four reasons to avoid gaps or delays in getting medical care.
Do not wait to get an attorney.
If you have questions, we have answers. Our car accident lawyers have been helping Houston families for more than three decades. There is never a charge for an initial injury consultation. Call (281) 587-1111!
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